7 Tips for Reorganising Your Home for the New Year

With a new year comes new beginnings. And more often than not, with new beginnings comes a fresh lifestyle. When contemplating ways to ameliorate your interior, it may be worth contemplating how a simple home reorganisation may better express and match up to your lifestyle standards for 2022. Below is a compilation of 7 tips on how to reorganise your home:

1. It’s Time to Let Those Holiday Decorations Go

2021 is over, and though it’s sad to accept, so is the festive season. Storing all your festive items for the next festive season is bound to guarantee a clean slate in your home without any distractions that these decorations might bring. A light spring-clean thereafter may be somewhat satisfying, you might find.

2. Reposition Your Comfortable Areas

Let’s face it, looking into the same setting can get tiring! So why not make a comfortable change? Rearrange your furniture, perhaps swap your interiors between your rooms, or simply consider a completely new design for the year.

3. Find Satisfaction in Storage Containers

Arranging various household items into decorative storage containers is a foolproof way to vanquish bestrewn items around your home. Remember to purchase your containers after you’ve gotten rid of unwanted or unnecessary items, as reducing unnecessary items only makes more room for more essential ones. N.B.: make sure those storage containers match your 2022 interior design trends!
With a genius organisation process comes an inclined mindset. As the saying goes, “a cluttered house is a sign of a cluttered mind”.

4. Declutter Those Closets

Those old pairs of jeans and t-shirts that haven’t made an appearance in ages form part of your space thieves, and the clothing items that you wore most during 2020 and 2021 are the ones worth keeping. While you might want to hold onto old clothes for sentimental reasons, the feeling of donating items to those in need is much more golden!

5. “A Place for Everything, and Everything in its Place”

Are you even human if you don’t have a drawer in your home dedicated to everything and nothing? Whether it’s a bathroom or kitchen drawer, this is your sign to leave that junk drawer in 2021. Make every drawer in your home exclusive to something in particular. As a bonus, having an organiser to keep all toiletries or utensils separated ensures organisation for longer. Say goodbye to all that time wasted looking for your necessities!

6. Eat an Elephant One Bite at a Time

We can all agree that there’s nothing more infuriating than not knowing where to begin with a project. Attempting to come to grips with your whole house at one go will most likely result in becoming scatterbrained. Begin by focusing on a particular area and work your way up to the rest of your home, one room at a time. Strategically place all items in a staging area and decide on what you’d like to retain, get rid of, and donate.

7. Too Much Pondering Equals Slow Progress

Organising your home can be an extreme sport on its own. Although little progress is still progress, you don’t want to slow down your progress by fussing over irrelevant decisions. Make your decisions by asking yourself these three questions:

  • Do I really need this?
  • Have I used this over the past year?
  • Will it impact my life?

If you answered no, get rid of it.

Follow these plain sailing tips and walk into 2022 on a fresh, feng shui note!


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